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Filipino Style chicken & Veggie Soup

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

This dish is another super easy nourishing meal that can be adapted to taste and tailored with the veggies you like. The original dish contained kelp noodles or traditional cellophane noodles and white cabbage. All of which would be great. I used some shaved Carrots and Zucchini for this one but from the recipe below you can do almost anything with the base even swapping the chicken portion of the meal and using veggie stock with the turmeric mix would be a good one too. Immune boosting, gut healing, calcium rich and incredibly satisfying.

1 small chicken

1L chicken stock or broth

500ml water

3 bay leaves

Place the chicken in a large pot, add stock and water. Add in the bay leaves and bring to simmer cooking with the lid on for 1-2 hrs. Slowly letting the juices and broth start to infuse.

Meanwhile in a pan, sauté onion with a little oil/butter until soft. Add in the garlic, ginger, turmeric & paprika and cook for a couple of minutes. Add some juice of the chicken stock into the pan to form a paste.

Remove the chicken from the pot and set aside. Add the turmeric mix to the soup base then add in any veggies you like, the more the merrier ! Shred some chicken and viola another beautiful nourishing easy meals.

Tumeric Mix Ingredients

6 Garlic cloves

1 Onion

3cm knob of ginger (finely grated)

1/2 tsp ground tumeric

1/2 tsp sweet paprika

3 tsp of Fish sauce

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